
Hearts of iron 3 canada
Hearts of iron 3 canada

West, a planned spin-off set during the Cold War, which was canceled.

  • Hearts of Iron: The Card Game (2011) which uses the series name and is based on World War II but has little else in common.
  • A forthcoming DLC, No Step Back, revamps the focus tree for Poland and USSR as well as adding new content for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in addition a revamp of the logistics system and the addition of Tank Designer.
  • The first major DLC, Together for Victory, focuses on the Commonwealth nations (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, British India) and also adds a new system for puppet nations.
  • Hearts of Iron IV (2016), released on 6th June 2016.
  • Has received four download-only expansions: Semper Fi, Dies Irae: Gotterdammerung (a Germany-focused mod for Semper Fi), For the Motherland (which breaks compatibility with DI:G), and Their Finest Hour.
  • Another update which includes World War I has been released: Darkest Hour.
  • As well as two official updated version/add-ons: Arsenal of Democracy, and Iron Cross.
  • Has two expansions: Doomsday and Armageddon.
  • hearts of iron 3 canada

    The games allow players to take the role of virtually any country on Earth as of the time at the beginning of the games' various scenarios. A series of World War II Turn-Based Strategy / Real-Time Strategy and management Simulation Games by Paradox Interactive.

    Hearts of iron 3 canada